Last night I watched Louis Theroux interview Bear Grylls. This was an easy watch. Bear came across as likeable and adventurous, with a privileged start in life. Reflecting on this program, mostly filmed on Bear’s private island, I picked up on three resonating themes.

We often hear multi-millionaire celebrities describe how it was ‘never about money’. In this candid interview, Bear was humble enough to acknowledge that before he made his fortune, money was a driving motivational force in his work. 

Bear also encouraged us all to follow and pursue our passion in life. Again, easier to do when you are financially secure.

But the greatest take away was Bear’s reference to how he lives his life based on three simple values. Courage, kindness and to never give up. So here are the three resonating themes:

1. Money is important

2. Follow your passion

3. Live by your values

There is a wonderful relationship between these three themes, which I can relate to from my own experiences, since leaving the blanket of full time employment in 2016.

Money is the bottom line in terms of whether or not we can follow our passion. I am following my passion. But there are days when I consider giving up, based largely on the financial side of this equation. Interestingly, when I refocus on my own values, I always gain inspiration to keep going.

Here are my three values: Be authentic, inclusive and purposeful. These values are personal to me. They also reflect my organisation, Gymrun. Living and working by our values gives us the renewed strength and energy to take on whatever life throws at us. 

What are the three values by which you live your life? Write them down, and own them.

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